Spinal & Connective Tissue

Do you need a back doctor?

Many people experience back problems and back pain at some time in their lives. When looking for a back doctor it is possible to take a natural approach.

Why do I have back pain?

After motor vehicle accidents, chronic stress or significant trauma, the body can get physically locked in trauma model. This getting stuck is similar to PTSD but it is the physical body getting stuck in painful and dysfunction patterns.

These patterns are extremely helpful during trauma or great stress. But, after the trauma has passed, the body needs to let go and start healing. In many of these patients, chronic connective tissue and spinal pain has become a hindrance to daily life. I believe the body is a web of independent but interconnected tissues that need unrestricted movement to maintain health. When there is a lack of movement in these tissues, it is not long before dysfunction, pain and disease ensues.

If you are suffering with acute or chronic back pain or a lack of mobility we can guide and complement the body's natural healing processes with gentle and effective treatments.

Treatment for back pain

I integrate visceral manipulation, gentle chiropractic techniques, osteopathic technique and craniosacral to alleviate many long-standing intractable spinal or connective tissue problems. I partner these therapies with nutritional changes, exercise prescription and detoxification treatments to help patients resolve and return to health.

These hands-on therapies are valuable to chronic pains suffers but are not much utilized in the Standard Medical Model. Seeing patients recover from debilitating pain is extremely fulfilling as a practitioner.

I enjoy utilizing these therapies because it gives patients more natural options and it keeps these effective therapies from disappearing into history.

If you need help with back pain in the Bay Area, contact me for an appointment.